In the second half of last week’s “The Creator’s Corner” I
talked about my latest MOT Song “Blind Melon x Angel Beats”, well later that
night I sat down and created the above video. If there are region restrictions
or whatever you can also view the video here, this was
uploaded by my friend 321agemo, if you follow the link above the video to his
channel you’ll find six more awesome MOT Songs. In the near future, when I’m
off of my Diablo III high, I’m going to go back and make videos of the other
four MOT Songs that I have put together; when I do so, I will be sure to share
them all here. 7V8ZY57FMJJ
I was going to do Diablo III first, but I figured I’d save
it for last, so now we’ll move on and talk about my horrible habit of impulse
buying. At the start of 2012 I decided to start following a financial schedule,
I made it really simple: first I would have “x” amount of dollars for bills and
what-not; then I had “x” amount of money that I would put away each month; and
lastly all of the left-over money would be free-spending money. Well for the
most part I’ve adhered to this schedule; I failed to keep my spending habits
under control in March and spent a little more than I had planned but I made up
for it in April. Yesterday while surfing the Internet I discovered that the
pre-orders were available for the Special Edition Hatsune Miku Crystal White PS Vita, so the impulse buyer that I am, I pre-ordered it. I was planning on
buying the SE Miku PS Vita after Anime Expo, now I just have to save my “free-spending
money” from now until AX for spending at AX. I guess in the end I can just take
my “free-spending money” later in the year to make-up for any mistakes in my
plan I may have caused by spending so much, but I guess we’ll have to wait and
see. More updates later, maybe…
Switching gears here really quick, I just want to say that
it really makes me happy when people talk about and/or share my rambles. It’s
the little things in life that matter, y’know? When people comment on these (or
about these elsewhere) it makes me all giddy inside. So I’d like to thank all
my readers, and super-thanks to those of you who share/talk about these
rambles. I don’t really know how to reward readers, other than to keep writing,
so as a tie-in to this week’s edition of “The Creator’s Corner” I’ll announce
that, for better or for worse, I’m going to release the first chapter in a
three-part short series next Friday. More details next week!
I guess another thing that I can do to sort of reward
someone would be to share another Crunchyroll 48 Hour Guest Pass! I’ll hide the
code somewhere in this ramble, and once you find it all you have to do is go to
this link and enter the code to redeem it for two days of Crunchyroll goodness. As always it is
first-come first-serve so if you are interested in being the lucky one to get
this code make haste and find it!
Okay so I mentioned I was going to release a short-story
next Friday, which is true, but there are a few things that should be made
clear first: This short story is part one of three, I don’t really have a
release schedule so I have no idea when part two will be released; I’m going to
release it whether or not I’m happy with it, I’ve been working on it for a long
time (remember, I am a slow worker) and I think
it’s in a good place; a warning note, it is a bridge story between NEw and its
spin-off Eleven, so details may change between the release of this story and
the completion of NEw, so think of it as an early draft of a future story; and
finally this is my first “original” story that I am showing to people so if you
read it next Friday when I post it, please give me as much feed-back as
Finally I’ll talk about Diablo III, my experience at the
Launch Event, my initial feelings toward the game and my feelings toward the
game now. On Monday morning I left work early and went to wait in line to get
my copy of D3 and to get it signed by the developers from Blizzard. From 10:00
to 16:00 I waited in line with my sisters, at 16:00 my dad arrived and we
packed up our chairs and what-not because the line slowly started moving
forward. They moved the line into a corral type-line, like amusement park
lines, where we waited until midnight to get our game and get it signed; while
they moved the line they gave each of us a numbered wrist band for easy
game-distribution, I was number 100, cool huh? While waiting in the corral we
were shown a plethora of Diablo related interviews and cut-scenes from the
previous two Diablo games. Along with the videos they had live art by artists
who worked on the game, Blizzard employees had their Diableards shaved off
and they shot plenty of t-shirts and mouse-pads into the audience, both of my
sisters were lucky enough to catch a t-shirt. When the time came we were herded,
in numerical order, through the gates where we received our game and got the
chance to have it signed.
I didn’t stay up all night and play, but I did take Tuesday
off and played mostly all day. At first I was super excited, something along
and now after having played it a little more my reaction is more or less the same;
in other words Diablo III is awesome. The only bad thing I have to say is about
the server-stability, but I understand that any server would have stability
problems when several million people from all around the world try to log in
all at the same time. And again if anyone wants to add me on Battle.Net my
BattleTag is Semajj#1465.
And that’s that. Now to start the end we’ll have our very
first set of results in “Rambler versus the World”. Starting from last Friday
and ending yesterday I kept track of my points as mentioned in last week’s
ramble. In the end I won 4 days to 3. Writing 1000 words (non-ramble) was definitely
the hardest task, I think I only completed it once and that was on Wednesday
and reading and stretching were the only two tasks that I completed each day.
Hopefully I can win again this week, preferably with a better score. Okay this
week I added four items to “Semajj’s Bookshelf” they are as follows: Diablo IIICollector’s Edition, Tenacious D "Rize of the Fenix" LP, Shiki Part 1 DVD/BD Combo and Shiki Part 2DVD/BD Combo. If you noticed, each item is now a link to a picture of my item
accompanied by “Cha-Cha the Guardian of the Bookshelf”. From now on I’ll try to
post pictures of my new stuff when I share them in “Semajj’s Bookshelf” and as
usual there will be links in the next page to where you can purchase these
items. Wow the quality there is bad, I'll try to improve the quality of the pictures, I was in a hurry this morning when I was in the process of taking them. I know I can take better pictures with more time spent on the lighting and what-not, but if you have any tips on taking pictures please let me know what I can do
to improve my ability. Warning, the following song may contain "bad-words":
This week’s Song of the Week is “Bad Habit” by The
Offspring. Cool now it’s time for me to call it a day. Like always if you have
any comments, questions, tips or concerns you can leave me an e-mail at or you can leave a
comment below. See you in future times!
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